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ATTENTION: A Child Proof Home 2015/07/30


Most accidents involving children younger than 4 years old happen at home when they start crawling and then waking. Traumas, falls and unfortunately poisoning and intoxications.

How can we protect our children inside our own home?

The kitchen

We spend most of our time in the kitchen, where the main attractions are the table, the kitchen island and the stove: form their height, the child can’t see what we are doing on top therefore they are more curious. Place the pans and/or pots on the burners closest the wall and also direct the handles towards that side. Nowadays many kitchens include safety devices for the gas, but don’t forget lighters or matches. The same happens with cutlery, especially knives.

Detergents and cleaning products must be kept on the upper part of the cabinets.

The bathroom

Same as in the kitchen, detergents, soaps and cleaning products must be kept in a safe place. Be careful with the wet floor since it represents an additional danger for their first uncertain steps… (and also for the adults). I don’t know where you keep the medicines, but if it is in the bathroom keep them locked.

The living room

It is very attractive due to the television, music equipment, decoder, DVD and all the home appliances adults like so much. Make sure that cables are at least tied up and that they don’t hang if you can’t cover them. Use some tape to block the lid of the batteries in remote controls: one eaten battery requires going immediately to the emergency room!

The bedroom

In the case of newborns, never leave them alone on the changing table, not even to get a change of clothes from a closet a meter away! The progress of their movements gets stronger day by day

The bed with the railings lifted up (protectors) is essential, even if relentlessly sooner than later they will learn to climb over them.

Protectors are excellent for those who sleep on an individual bed. Always leave a faint light in the hall: if at night they need to go downstairs, they don’t do it in total darkness.

If the house has many floors, stairs are a huge attraction to them: install IMMEDIATLEY two doors, at the foot and upper part of the stairs, as soon as you see your child attracted by them.

Balconies and windows are other danger zones: pay attention to the chairs and stools and/or all that can be used to make them ‘taller’ to ‘look further’. Equip with nets, screens and any protection you can think of.

The garden… well, in all honesty I am sorry to say but it is obvious they will get hurt… pay lots of attention to the rock or brick beds roots that come our of the ground, plants with thorns, steps, pools, rocks (they will try to eat them!), etc., etc.

Pay attention to the gardening tools and herbicides or chemical products we apply on the plants to protect them from plagues.

Last, but not least, their toys: make sure they have a quality seal according to the laws of each country, for example the European quality margin CE, pay attention to small removable pieces they can swallow or inhale. Remember the age indications of toys are not just didactic, but they also serve this purpose.

Having said this, I should also specify that you don’t put the children under a crystal bell: let them touch, taste, experiment and even sometimes get hurt… they will learn not to do it anymore or do it better.

Moms, keep calm! Children, discover the world!

Posted in: Beauty and Health

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