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Crochet Owl Tutorial 2015/04/24


If you love owls, you are in the right place because I will show you how to make them on crochet.

In the end you will have a group of fun owls to decorate your party, even the cake, candy bags, invitations, as a part of the centerpieces, etc. etc. the ideas are not over if you accompany them with your creativity…


  • Cotton thread in different colors
  • Hook
  • Black beads or the color you want
  • Thread and needle
  • Scissors

This is the diagram to follow to create the body of the owl, you can follow the color guide or make your own combinations.

1º round: magic ring and 8 half double crochet

2º round: 16 half double crochet

3º and 4º round: 24 half double crochet

5º round: when changing to the fifth round, the first thing we form is the owl’s head, follow the diagram; the continue with half double crochet throughout the contour, until ending where we started the head.

6º round: Look in the following photo where the 6º round starts and follow the directions of the diagram, close with a single stitch.

After one or two rounds, change the color of the thread to give the owl color, next is a guide on how to do it.

Once the whole body is done, we sew the eyes following the next diagram; the beak is embroidered with needle and thread in a V shape

All of the joints are sewed by hand, this makes the work professional, I recommend not to use silicone or glue

Here is a sample of the combination of color I have used. Generally I have used four colors for the body; I have also let one owl with no beak to show how it would look, just choose if you prefer with or without a beak.

You could still make a change of color per round. With thicker threads, you would make the owl bigger, achieving owl pennants to decorate the main table of the party.

If you are planning a Woodland themed party, don´t doubt on visiting the Shop where you will find this fun party kit

Pleasure to make your party special.

Eli R.

Posted in: DIY projects

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