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Puff pastry piglets for the afternoon snack 01/17/2018


Today I propose a simple recipe, easy to prepare and that your little ones at home will surely like a lot: Puff pastry Piglets

To prepare 14 Piglets you need:

  • 2 rolls of rectangular puff pastry dough
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Chocolate chips to your taste
  • Cream for the filling: chocolate, hazelnut, jam. I chose hazelnut cream

As special utensils, you’ll need a glass,a liquor glass and a kitchen brush

Start by extending the puff pastry dough, then with the glasses make circles for a total of 28 big circles and 14 small ones

Important: because the purpose of the small circles is only decorative, it’s not necessary that they are perfect and can be obtained from the leftover dough

Place the big circles on top of baking paper (I baked twice to cook the 14 Piglets!)

Don’t throw away the leftover dough! Keep it aside, we will use it later

Serve the cream on top of the dough to your will. If you wish, you can help yourself with little spoons

Beat the egg and the sugar

Figure 1: brush the dough with the beaten egg

Figure 2: place a second circle on top of this one and press: this helps to seal the rim really well and for the cream to not spill out during cooking

Figure 3: with the brush extend the beaten egg again

Place the small circles on top of the preparation obtained, trying to place them on the center part and gently downwards

From the leftover puff pastry, cut 28 small triangles and place them as it looks in the image. Aren’t they starting to look like Piglets?

With the brush extend the beaten egg on top of the dough: once they are cooked, this will give the Piglets a golden color and will help the dough to be crunchy and sweet (the dough can be used for savory recipes and also for sweet ones)

Place 4 chips of chocolate as indicated: 2 will form the eyes and 2 the nostrils

Be careful to stick the chocolate to the dough from the tip because if you don’t, when the dough cooks and puffs it’ll push the chocolate chips and they will fall

Bake for 20 minutes at 160*C

Once they are cool you put them on a platter

Prepare this creative and tasty afternoon snack for your child and their friends, maybe to serve sometimes in a party with a Farm theme!

Find the customizable Party in a Farm themed kit in our store

Posted in: Recipes

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