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Kissing world day 2022/04/13


Whether it is to express love, affection or to say hi as a sign of friendship, the kiss has always been used to express feelings.

And precisely due to its importance, tomorrow we celebrate the International Kissing Day.

Different dates for just one celebration.

This day is also celebrated on the 6th of July but, why are there two dates then?

Originally, the 13th of April was chosen to commemorate the longest kiss in History: a Thai couple during a competition called “Kissathon”, kissed during 46 hours!!! Later, the two lovers broke their own record kissing for almost 3 days, more accurately during 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds, hence the 6th of July date was chosen. A competition with very tough rules: staying awake, not falling asleep and if someone has to go the bathroom, they had to go with their partner without stop kissing.

The price: 3,300 dollars in cash, two rings and a vacation. The celebration is not official and each country has its own date: in the United States it is on the 22nd of June; in India on the eve of Valentine’s day.

The most profound kiss.

Last 9th of February, a couple of free-diver champions shared a kiss in a totally unique place: Croatian Tatjana Skobo and Italian Angelo Sciacca submerged in pool Y-40 in Montegrotto Terme (Padua, Italy), considered the deepest water tank in the world and shared a kiss at 42 meters underwater.

The longest royal kiss in History lasted 2800 years.

In 1972, two teams of archeologists in the northern Iranian area of Teppe Hasanlu, they found a pair of kissing skeletons. They were called “The Lovers” and they have become a symbol of eternal love. According to the archeologists, the lovers died around 800 b.C while searching for shelter in a hole during a siege for the control of the city and they probably shared a last gesture of love.

A simple gesture with many benefits.

A kiss moves 35 facial muscles, involves 112 postural muscles, decreases cortisol levels (stress hormone) and increases oxytocin (love and wellbeing hormone). Kissing stimulates neurotransmitters, muscles and hormones that at the same time affect our daily lives. Kissing is good for your health and mood!

For this nice occasion, Tempo di Festa gives away an image for free for downloading and sending as a social kiss to your love, friends, colleagues, etc. just to scare all the bad thoughts of this period and allow us, even if only virtually, some minutes of love and joy.

Posted in: Curiosities

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