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4 delicious ideas for your Halloween buffet 2021/10/06


They say a dish, if it is successful, must first be eaten with the eyes… but this is not true for Halloween!

We give you some ideas to make your guests tremble… and then make them think again.

Popcorn ghosts

You will need: Popcorn, transparent bags and a black permanent marker.


Draw the ghosts’ faces on the bags and fill them with popcorn. The game is over!

Soil muffins

You will need: Chocolate muffins, short pastry

Procedure: cut the top part of the muffin and crumble it. Form strip of short pastry, give them the shape of a worm and bake them for a few minutes. When the have cooled down, make holes in the muffins and insert the pastry worms and cover with the crumbles giving it a soil effect. Alternatively, you can use gummy worms.

Witch fingers

You will need: puff pastry, toasted almonds, red liquid food coloring.

Procedure: Give the pastry a finger shape and place the almond to form the nail. Once it is baked, paint the fingers with the red coloring as they were cut.

Mummified hot dogs

You will need: puff pastry, hot dogs, cheese and black olives

Procedure: cut very thin puff pastry stripes and wrap the hot dogs. Cook in the oven and once cooled, make the eyes with the cheese and pieced of black olives.

We hope you liked the recipes and if you are planning a Halloween party for the youngest children, you can decorate your buffet with the Boo Halloween Party kits available in pink and blue. You can download the automatically after the purchase.

Posted in: Recipes

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