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Headaches in children 2017/05/04


A headache is the most common pain experimented amongst adults.

And what about children? They also suffer from them and it is not always a whim we underestimate.

Headaches in children develops mainly in school-age and until adolescence.

Frequently located in the forehead and eyes, caused often by the contraction of the neck and head muscles… in a few words, the cause is the “position of the books” our children take in school during their lessons and at home when doing their homework.

The factors that promote headaches are the stressful situations like anxiety because of the exams, a sport competition or any tension at home and/or family problems; in addition the light and acoustic stimulants that TV, videogames, tablets and computers produce also contribute to headaches.

It’s important that parents differentiate between a headache caused by a child’s whim, which requires of cuddling and attention, and a real pain.

Make sure your children stick to regular schedules, to a healthy diet, to adequate rest, to a reduced use of the computer, tablet, TV, etc., to practice healthy and fun sports.

There is other type of headache called secondary headache, symptom of other disorders such as high fever, otitis, sinusitis or meningitis, traumas caused by falls or head lesions, teeth or jaw problems, even eye problems in the case of myopia. This is why observation at home is essential.

The recommended medications are paracetamol and ibuprofen. Always follow your pediatrician’s instructions, this is only an informative note that does not replace your doctor.

Posted in: Beauty and Health

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