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How to make little paper fishes to fish 2015/03/30


Summer is starting and this makes it possible to plan more activities outside for the children, like little workshops and games with friends

Let’s take advantage from April to stimulate the little ones’ creativity, thinking up games that help their motor skills, like this little lake with a cute school of paper fishes where with a fishing rod, made by us to, they can have fun fishing.

The materials we will need are simple and easy to get, so, fun is guaranteed, especially if we add different variants to the game.

The materials we will need are:

  • Toilet paper tubes
  • Paper to recycle
  • Watercolors
  • Black marker
  • Small glass of water
  • Scissors or cutter
  • Wooden sticks
  • Magnets
  • Nylon threads or any resistant thread
  • Metallic washers
  • Fabric, sheet or blue cardboard


Angel fishes

With the toilet paper tubes we will form the Angel fishes, we take and end of the tube which we will flatten horizontally to shape the head and mouth.

To form the fins, instead, we flatten the other end vertically. With the scissors or cutter we form the mouth cutting it like a beak and the fins cutting them in a diagonal way towards the center, getting a small triangle.

Once the fishes are formed we color them as we want to, let them dry for 5 to 10 minutes to then design the eyes with the black marker. Then we glue magnets, tokens or metallic pieces.

Gold fishes

With recycled paper (taken from cookies or cereal packages) we obtain fishes with round and elongated shapes. At the end of this post, you will find a template that will help you make them better. We will use paint in yellow and orange shades to color them.

The fishing rod

We take the wooden stick and with hot silicone we paste on one end a 40 cm long nylon thread and on the other end we paste a magnet. We build the quantity of fishing rods that are needed.

The lake

To form the lake we will use a piece of an old bed sheet we can color with blue and green colors, another option is to use blue cardboard we will simply put on the floor

The game

Initially it is about fishing, but to make it even more fun, we will write a hidden number underneath each fish, when fishing each fish the child will accumulate points being able to achieve a fun competition.

Another idea is to write on a sheet of paper, a joke, a riddle or an ingenious phrase we will paste on some fishes which then the children will have to read to everyone else.

Template to print

This is a fun and entertaining idea for the children to play during a Nemo inspired party: you can find it in our store, it is customized and has everything you need to organize a super party!

Posted in: DIY projects

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