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How to keep a mountain in a jar 2017/09/26


Were you vacationing in the mountains last summer? I bet you picked up some rocks and pinecones during your hikes, right?

Today I propose a couple ideas to lock up your memories from the mountain in a jar. This idea could also be used as Christmas centerpieces... why not?

The materials you need are:

•Glass jars
• Raffia in natural colors like brown, beige or green
• Hot silicone
• Pebbles, twigs and pinecones collected in the mountains

For the first craft use the small jar

First insert the pebbles at the bottom so when you insert the largest rock it stays “standing up”

Now, continue placing pinecones and twigs to your liking

Quickly put some hot silicone on the rim of the jar and place the lid on top of the jar from the opposite side and press

With the hot silicone stick some strips of raffia between the jar and the lid from the part you consider the back part of your craft and form a bow on the front part

Place other twigs and pebbles on the lid, sticking it with hot glue, always considering the proportions of the candle you’ve chosen

Here’s the finished craft

For the second craft, get a bigger jar

We will position this one horizontally: to avoid it from rolling over, form lines out of hot silicone on the part you consider as support

Insert pebbles, twigs and pinecones trying to create a little mountain landscape. If necessary, help yourself with kitchen pliers

Add all the details you wish, just be careful to not roll the jar over

To cover the inside part of the lid, paste some twigs and a pinecone inside

Tip: try before how the jar’s lid turns, so we don’t find the pinecone backwards!

Place the raffia like in the previous craft, but for this jar a bow is not necessary to decorate.

You can also paste some twigs and pinecones in the exterior of the lid

And the mountain in a jar is finished!

You can use it as decorative centerpieces for a “nostalgic” dinner from your vacations at the mountains or as a preview of the cold nights that will accompany us during the fall

Complete your table with the Rustic Christmas set.

Posted in: DIY projects

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